
Find helpful tools to support your engineering efforts on opto semiconductors.

See ams OSRAM tools on opto semiconductors

LED information base (LIB)

Our LIB service tool for LED applications in the automotive, industry, consumer and general lighting sectors. Download LED characteristic lines in Excel format, Rayfiles in various formats, electrical simulation models (PSpice) and package CAD files.

Horticulture tool

This tool enables you to calculate different horticulture lighting scenarios. Variations of LED configurations and ratios to realize the desired photon flux from the fixture and also the estimation of the resulting photon flux density on the plants for a defined system setup are possible.


Calculate the effectiveness of an LED based on a selected light guide by showing the amount of incoupled, reflected and missed light rays.


Calculation and comparison of LED performance and parameters under user defined application conditions in different system configurations.


Optical simulation / ray files & package CAD data

Our optical ray file data enable for using nearfield emission data of our LED and laser light sources in optical simulations. Various ray numbers and formats are available. Package CAD data is provided for mechanical design.

Electrical simulation data

This data contains simulation models for a wide range of LED and IR components. A variety of import formats are supported.

WeChat Applet

These series of lightweight applets aimed at providing you with convenient and efficient product and service experiences. Without the need for downloads and installations, simply open WeChat on your cell phone and scan the applet code, and you can easily access our various applets including automotive applications, industrial applications, sample application, and the membership center. Stay informed about our latest updates and technological advancements anytime, anywhere.